Our Program & Educators
Staff at our Centre foster an atmosphere of loving care. This is important to young children who need to know they are with someone who truly enjoys their company.
Our staff have been employed because of their academic qualifications, experience and special skills, but above all their genuine fondness for and commitment to providing quality care and education for the children.
Our staff roster is implemented to ensure continuity of care for the children and to minimize disruption to the programs. The staff roster is displayed in the centre for familes to view.
The Educators, in consultation with our Education Team Leader, formulate appropriate child centred programmes based on the needs and interests of the individual children in their group. These programmes are prepared by the Educators in conjuction with the children in the group, based on the various developmental needs and interests of the children in the group. A programme is planned for each child’s interest and to foster the development of certain abilities, attitudes and skills.
Our staff develop programes based on the Early Years Learning Framework. This an approved curriculum aimed at enriching children’s learning across all areas of childhood development.